Blog Journal #2


My experience using MS Word as a student has been easy and simple as far as I can remember. Never had any real issues with MS Word, but it has recently become my second option of doing homework. Nowadays I prefer using Google Docs because it is convenient enough for me to use on the computer and on my phone as well. In addition, Google Docs automatically saves my work as I go so it puts my mind at ease while working because I know my work will safe no matter what happens.

Out of all the ISTE Standards for Educators, I believe the most meaningful standard is the “Learner”. I say this because technology is going to continue to evolve which leaves little to no time to take steps back. Therefore, educators are better off learning the new ways of how to facilitate information because it allows both them and their students to be educated easier. In addition, if the educator understands the new practices, it will help them to be able to somehow mix in the new way of learning and the older ways. This can be used to help teach the newer students how to utilize the older ways in which both parties learn something.

I do agree with the label of digital native for today’s youth because everything is digital in today’s society now. To be a digital native means that you grew up in a digital era where everything they know is on a screen or can found through digital means. I believe this also makes it difficult for them to function without technology which separates the digital natives from the digital immigrants. I have seen the differences of the use of technology between digital natives and digital immigrants because I am also in a sense a digital immigrant because I grew up in the 90s. The teachers utilize the original version of certain applications as opposed to the modern and new age version of applications. For example, teachers use pdfs and whereas digital natives only know how to use word documents. This has impacted my learning experience by informing me on multiple ways to accomplish assignments and other tasks. I anticipate there to be more convenient forms of older applications which will create a bigger distinction between digital natives and digital immigrants.


  1. Hi Mozzy, It's impressive how you explain that digital natives and digital immigrants can learn from one another. As you noted in your comment regarding the "learner" standard, teachers may continue to learn about new technologies from their students, and students can also learn about different ways to use old and new technology from teachers. Insightful post!


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