Blog Journal #4
One of the standards from grade level 6 that I believe will be helpful is interpreting information from a variety of different media forms and formats, and explaining how it is relevant to the material being covered. I feel prepared to implement this standard based on my current skill because it is about application and modernization. I am technologically skilled enough to where I know how to utilize videos, spreadsheets, and websites to the point where it is an asset for myself. With that being said, after identifying which forms of media I want to use, I know how to insert the material within these formats. Not only does it make it easier to teach the youth, who are growing up in the technological era, it helps them associate the learning material with modern day applications. Meaning when they use these forms of technology outside of the classroom, they will associate it with the material that was taught. One of the tools from CPALMS that I would use is maintaining appropriate...